In questa pagina puoi calcolare quanto i distributori Necta di ultima generazione ti permettono di risparmiare ogni anno rispetto ai modelli più vecchi.
Per procedere con la simulazione scegli tra le opzioni disponibili e compila il campo con il tuo prezzo dell'energia elettrica.
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Do you own a Necta vendor with R290 technology?
You made the best choice for the environment and your business.
This is your annual cost today
By choosing the R290 technology you could save up to
The results provided by this service are merely indicative. The energy data consumption of Necta machines used for the calculation are those officially filed with the European Register of Energy Labels (EPREL)
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Total yearly consumption
Savings compared to older generation machines
The results provided by this service are merely indicative. The energy data consumption of Necta machines used for the calculation are those officially filed with the European Register of Energy Labels (EPREL)
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